Clare Zecher Coaching is excited to announce our newest sponsor, AquaSphere!
AquaSphere is recognized as one of the premier goggle makers for triathletes, and we use it exclusively. In pool training we mostly use the Kayenne. For open water swimming we use the completely user friendly Vista and Seal XP2. We will be using them exclusively at Ironman Madison next week and at all camps and clinics in 2016! Excited to pick up my new sponsored AquaSphere wetsuit in Madison next week.
Thank you AquaSphere for making a superior product that never lets us down, and reduces the barrier to entry to swimming for athletes. We’re excited to use our Seal XP2 on our next CZ/PZ Sailing trip offered in 2016 in Key West too!
#AquaSphere #AquaSphereIronman
If you’d like to know more about AquaSphere products, just email [email protected]! Thank you AquaSphere!!! Product reviews and videos will be up in the next few weeks on so check ’em out!