A Phenomenal Race Season for CZC Athletes!

Florida 70.3 – December (George, Kristen, Marietta, Sarah and Coach Clare)

Wow, just WOW! I’m SO impressed by all the athletes and their racing and adventures this year. 2022 was really the come back year, and while some were sidelined by Covid, others managed to dodge it and race to tremendous success.  Here’s a snapshot of some of the amazing performances that I’m incredibly proud to report.  It truly was a season for the books, and 2023 is already shaping up to be amazing too!

Here’s the summary and some super fun pics.  I hope you enjoy scrolling through this as much as I did!


We missed Rebecca in our first half of the year results! Sorry! She crushed it at Ticonderoga!


Kevin had a stellar performance at the Cape Cod ½ Marathon – There’s nothing like racing against your adult kids and making them work for that finish line! Kevin blasted through the course feeling great!  Having a solid race plan, Kevin nailed his goal and I think surprised himself!

Race Goal: Run a negative split with a target of ~7:45 (7:45 – 8:00 1st half / 7:30 – 7:45 2nd Half) – Accomplished

& in his own words: "Overall – good race – good plan – good conditioning – good execution."

Kevin is also our Newbie Athlete of the Year!! New to triathlon he completed 3 this year, learned to love swimming, and found a whole new sport and crew with his CZC Team.  Way to do it right Kevin!



Doug finished his first ½ ironman at Muncie 70.3!  Doug’s wife Jenna actually called me to see if she could hire me as a gift for her husband. After speaking with them both, we decided to do it and Doug thrived under his first experience of private coaching.  We had some real challenges with a crazy heat wave and humidity in his KT82 Relay Race in June, but figuring out hydration is key!  He nailed it by Muncie and had this to say:

”Overall it was a great race and I think that I did the best that I possibly could have. I was able to push myself on the run and not give up despite feeling tired and having sore legs. The training from Coach Clare helped put me in a great place to be able to give it my all and feel accomplished with the race that I did. I wouldn’t have been able to do as well as I did without the coaching plan she put in place. The nutrition plan and guidance allowed me to feel energized throughout the race and continue to push my body to the brink of its capabilities. Her help was invaluable. Thanks for all the help and encouragement Coach Clare!!”


And his wife Jenna was happy too!  That’s always a win.  She gave me permission to share this with you:

Thank you Coach Clare for all that you did for my husband in preparing, coaching, educating, consulting, guiding and tailoring his training plan to both his schedule but also our family schedule!!

From the very beginning, I was surprised to see how much you cared not only about my husband that completed the race, but specifically about our family unit as a whole. I laughed the first time I saw an email with content addressed to me about getting ready and preparing myself for the workouts that were to come for HIM! That showed me that you understand how training for an Ironman is truly a family endeavor. As a mom with 3 young girls, the heads up that you gave me and preparation you gave me, enabled me to be more supportive of my husband because I knew how to prepare our families schedule. Thank you also for all the effort, knowledge, time, energy and wisdom you poured into Doug. He has grown so much personally and intellectually throughout this process as he learned not only how to train physically (mainly swimming mechanics, run and bike splits) but also about race day nutrition and even just what to eat/drink when working out. Your coaching with him means a lot to me because of what it produced within my husband but also the fact that in this process I personally felt seen, valued, and heard as well. You are truly incredible at what you do, you have a gift for meeting people where they are at without judgement and partnering with them to get them to where they want to be. Your partnership with Doug will always mean a lot not only to him, but to me, the wife Sherpa, as well."  - Jenna

To all the spouses out there, your athlete couldn’t do this without you and we know it!


George is probably the NICEST guy we know, but on the race finish chute, look out!! Well done fighting til the end for this finish, and also your incredible finish at Musselman 70.3, Ironman Lake Placid and FL 70.3 in December George!   You can probably catch him this winter in the L.I. Sound swimming when there’s snow on the ground. #Dedication


Marietta is the G.P. we wish we all had, you know the dream doctor that is actually an athlete themselves and totally “gets it”?!?! Well, this cool doctor raced at three 70.3s this year and even competed against her son-in-law.  Well done, Doc!  Seen here at FL 70.3 and her Door of Fame to her office.



Kristen finally got her 70.3 Finish!  When her race was canceled or postponed in 2020, 2021 and 2022 she finally got to do it this past December at Florida 70.3.  After training down in Florida in April ahead of the Gulf Coast 70.3, she completed that race too but was cheated as Rip Currents canceled the swim and a time trial start for the bike ensued.  A strong cyclist, Kristen let Florida have it in Haines City!

Kristen and best pal Sarah at the finish of their FIRST (Complete) 70.3! Way to go Ladies!


    Paul Greenberg is an athlete everyone knows and is used to seeing on the podium.  Once again, he crushed and podiumed at TWO (2!) National Championship events, USAT Standard Distance Duathlon Nationals and USAT Long Course Duathlon Nationals.  He also competed in the Steamboat Gravel and Macedonia Gravel races with strong performances.  To put it into perspective, he’s been racing for more than 40 years, and he keeps getting stronger!



    Chris’ Route at the Pan Celtic, On Stage at Ironman Cozumel, and his 3rd Place Ironman Cozumel Trophy!

    Chris had an epic year racing starting off with a WIN for the two-person team in the Pan Celtic Cycling Race (wow, 1,425 miles nearly nonstop).  So, it’s no surprise that 4 weeks later he won a Kona Spot at Ironman Finland.  With Ironman Cozumel as his “A” race this year, popping over to Kona for a “training race” to check off a life goal box was added in.  His experience was one of fun and enjoyment and a great island send off for Cozumel.  We can’t wait to see Chris crush it at the Boston Marathon in a few months!



    Ironman Bob Raced Back-to-Back Ironman Races in his pursuit of Kona – Florida & Arizona

    With tough conditions in Florida causing 300 swimmers to be fished out, Bob said, “The swim seemed fine as always!” Haha, only Bob would be totally chill with heavy winds and 8 foot swells in a sea of Ironman athletes.  We are so proud of your back to back Ironman Races. There aren’t a lot of athletes that can race TWO (2) Ironman distance races ONLY TWO (2!!!) WEEKS APART!

    Way to put out solid performances at both!


    Congratulations Andy on a strong performance at Timberman 70.3 on a new course (vs the old one we used to love). Cold water, tons of climbing and gorgeous scenery. Another calm and happy swimmer Andy raced well and felt redeemed after 4 (or was it 5? Flats at the 70.3 World Championships last year in the hailstorms!)


    Taking an Off Year from Ironman, Amelia raced strong at both the Sharon Sprint and the PORTLAND, Maine Marathon!!  Way to go Amelia!  We can’t wait to see how you do this year!

    It’s not even possible to capture all of the races our athletes completed this year, but if we forgot to include an event you’re proud of, then please send us an email to be included in the next update!

    We’re already into 2023 and racing is ON and CZC Clare Zecher Coaching athletes are already racking up miles, smiles and wins.  Contact us here if you’d like to join us!
